12th week: Psychology in Clothing

Knowing the psychology in clothing is important to know what the people want. There is a process in conceptualizing and creating something that fits the needs of the people that we're creating the product for. And by having this process, we are able to fulfill the needs of the people. In life, there is always a process that we have to do. Honestly now I am in a hiatus. I can't seem to be able to create because of the fear of it all. In how seeing it as a whole thing makes me panic when all I have to do is stop and take it step by step. I really have to calm down and take it step by step. Having Ma'am Kitty be able to guide me calms me in ways that I can't calm my thoughts. I just really seem to can't stop thinking about anything and everything that in order for me to process everything is for me to just calm down and to truly absorb everything that I'm doing and why I am doing everything.
